One of the best user-submitted posts, this sums up the frustration and stupidity of cingular nicely. When companies maintain anti-customer policies, we all lose and we have a right to gather and say something about it - warning others against their services.

To all the CSR fucktards who spend time defending your miserable company...blow me. "Read the contract." Fuck you. When a new customer walks into a Cingular Store they get fed so many lies and bullshit it will make your mind spin. These fucking reps would tell you your phone will dispense gold nuggets on the hour just to get you to sign your life away on the dotted line...laughing all the time knowing that the poor bastard who signed up will be talking to you fucking retards on the phone trying to figure out why their brand-spanking new phone doesn't fucking work.

Does it say in my contract that my phone will not work in the middle of fucking San Francisco? Does it say that the I will have 4 bars of signal, but if I walk through a glass door, or turn the wrong way, that the call will fail? YES, in a major metropolitan area, there are huge areas with no coverage.

Does the contract say that if you want to use your phone *in* your home, that you will have to empirically determine the location in your home (usually with your face as close to the window as possible) where the phone *might* work? Yes, I can *sometimes* get a signal in my home if I sit in the corner by the window, between 7 and 8:21pm when the humidity is 65.4% and the moon is waning gibbous.

Does it say that the minute you drive off a major freeway, the signal will drop to zero and the call will fail? Hey at least the fucking POS (piece of shit) works on the interstate!

Does it say in the contract that you will be continually overbilled, then have to spend hours on the phone with extremely rude customer "service" people telling you that your wrong and the computer doesn't lie? Yes, I added up *all* of the minutes on my bill and they didn't even exceed my anytime minutes for the month, but my bill was $200 dollars. I was being charged the full rate for "home" minutes and although the fucktard rep couldn't tell me what these minutes were and why I was charged for them, he wouldn't take them off. Thank god I talked to a supervisor who recalculated my bill and fixed the problem...thanks!

Does it explain in the contract that despite selling GSM as an advantage, it is the biggest disadvantage of all? This GSM bullshit is apparently the reason why *I* can't talk in my home, or in a building of any sort, or waiting for the subway, while all around me people with ATT and Verizon are chatting away happily while my Craptacular phone is "Searching...."

Does it say in my contract that when I call to ask about the crappy coverage, I will be told, "We're working on it," "We're building new towers all the time." "Coverage in your neighborhood is sparse right now, but we are putting up towers Real Soon Now (TM) that will alleviate the problem....but I just can't tell you where they will be, nor when they will be done."

Does the contract state that you will be counting the days until said contract ends?

Does it say that after moving to the bay area, all of your friends will laugh in your face when you tell them you have cingular? They will tell you of their travails with Sucktackular and their desires to throw their phones off the Golden Gate Bridge in despair. They will tell you of the hours they spent on the phone with the fucktard reps 2 years prior and will be able to recite verbatim what you hear when you call Craptacular today (they best part is the "new towers" friends said they got the same dog and pony show 2 years ago. guess what? still now new towers for you!)

You know what the worst part of it all is? As customers we have absolutely zero recourse! Cingular bends you over and you have to take it. Think your gonna get lube with that? Think again!

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